Blog — Tips

Combatting Dry Winter Skin

Combatting Dry Winter Skin

Our skin needs us more than ever in the winter, but it's not hard to keep it smooth, healthy and happy with just a few simple tricks! Help maintain the circulatory health of your body using a quick and easy technique called dry brushing. For your face, a natural humectant...
Beating B.O. Naturally

Beating B.O. Naturally

Natural plant-based deodorants are a wonderful alternative to antiperspirants and commercial deodorants which clog sweat glands to stop perspiration, and often irritate the skin and respiratory tract. Natural deodorants instead look at the benefits out in nature to work with your body instead of against it.
How to Winterize your Lavender

How to Winterize your Lavender

Lavender originated in the sunny, hot and dry Mediterranean which means it can be difficult to keep it alive over our colder Canadian winter months. We made this short video with a couple of tips on how you can give your lavender plants their best chance of survival over the winter.
Lavender in the Garden

Lavender in the Garden

Lavender is a highly adaptable plant which needs only a sunny, dry location and gravelly or sandy soil to thrive, making it perfect for a xeriscape garden. Prune each plant into a compact dense mound in the fall and you will be rewarded with lovely, healthy growth and beautiful, fragrant...
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