Our Social Purpose: Tree Canada Partnership

Selecting a charitable organization to align with is a deeply personal business consideration.

In a province ravaged by pine beetle infestations and recurring wildfires, our decision to become a partner with Tree Canada, was made because their National Greening Program specifically focuses on areas in need of "reforestation or afforestation with mass seedling plantings” within Canada.

We are committed to supporting Tree Canada’s reforestation efforts as they are vital to the environment, our region, and our planet. “Growing trees where forests have been degraded – or where there was no previous tree cover – provides multiple benefits to nature, from ecosystem stability to cleaner air, water and soil. Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, helping to fight climate change by removing and storing carbon from the air. Restoring forest cover protects and enhances habitat for wildlife and increases biodiversity. Trees remove pollutants and toxins from the air, soil and groundwater and prevent soil erosion near waterways.” (from the Tree Canada website).

Our Tree Canada Partnership has directly resulted in the planting of 400 trees each year. Since joining Tree Canada in 2019 – we’ve supported the planting of 1300 trees!

As the current guardians of this farm, we began to plant trees in 2008 to create wind and shelter breaks, and to improve the biodiversity of the farm environment. Today, we’ve planted over 500 trees and shrubs on this 8-acre parcel of land. Already our crops are reaping the benefits of filtered light, reduced wind damage and sheltered growing areas.
Tree Canada is a dynamic national organization which helps communities organize tree planting events and also offers resources and grants. Learn more about how they can help in your community by visiting their website.

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